Alex Giuseppe Ispas

Product designer & occasional developer

Increasing reviews organically by 100% through one tiny popup

A native Android crosswords game for the Romanian market.


The launch was purely based on an experiment by observing an opportunity in the Romanian crosswords market. So we decided to try it and launch something quickly to see if it gets traction.

We wanted a way to grow organically through word of mouth and increase virality of our app. This app targeted people 40+ enjoying playing words-related games when they were bored.

On our side, 0 budget and very low on time. Had to find the most impactful opportunity with the lowest effort. 

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Process & what we did

After publishing it slowly but surely we started to get more and more downloads but no one really left any reviews and we didn’t have any way to measure if people would still want more levels to play.

Initially, we started with just only 30 levels, and we wanted to justify if would make sense to create more. 

Being a bit trivial I thought why not just ask them to give us a review?
Let’s try this: 

If you enjoyed it, please give us a review. Very inspiring!

Well, this didn’t work out well. After a few weeks, we received a handful of reviews. It seems that we mostly bothered them by randomly asking this.

So, I proposed to try to find a better trigger to ask them for a review. Next, we tried to display it just before they wanted to leave the app, and only if they completed at least 1 level, by saying something along the lines of “ We need your review in order to add more levels.” and two buttons “Leave a review” and “Not know”. By getting a bit more tactical, things got a surprising turn.

Outcomes & results

Supprinsgly, after a while this skyrocketed our reviews without a single cent spent on any kind of marketing. We validated that people want to play more. 

In conclusion, one tiny popup placed at the right point in the user journey flow was an easy way to get a ton of reviews.

Other results worth mentioning:

  • Now if you search for “crosswords’ in Google Play we are in the top 5 results.

  • Almost 1300 genuine reviews

  • Featured in one of the most influential start-up-related magazines in Romania.

  • Recently launched the iOS version.

  • 20.000+ installs

  • 0$ spent in marketing campaigns, just organic growth.

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