Building a web app from scratch in React using AI.
2 min read
I’ve decided to build this in public, and document pretty much every step I’m taking to building this. After hours and hours of creating the basic architecture, core functionalities, and stuff, here it is: Updates: – Login/register – Share a track New updates: – Users can start a match by sharing a track. – Other…
Validate an a idea by getting 10 sales.
4 min read
I’m trying to sell various goodies related to Seinfeld TV show. Is there a demand for this?
The indie way of making a game. Intro If there are moments like “Unce upon a time…” which are shared from generation to generation, the classic crosswords game would be one of them. Nowadays no one carries a pen and a newspaper with them anymore, so this is how it got started. Although, this classic crosswords…
How I got my first 300+ users by placing small bets.
4 min read
Music shouldn’t be like McDonald’s. A bunch of very passionate people (including myself) are digging for unfamiliar music gems and we don’t have a platform where people can discover music other than big names, big marketing campaigns, and so on. The challenge How can we facilitate music discovery through the lens of crate-diggers and create…
Intro Music shouldn’t be like McDonald’s. A bunch of very passionate people (including myself) are digging for unfamiliar music gems and we don’t have a platform where people can discover music other than big names, big marketing campaigns, and so on. The challenge How can we facilitate music discovery through the lens of crate-diggers and…