Alex Giuseppe Ispas

Product designer & occasional developer


  • Minimum viable prototypes for dummies. The pursuit of perfection is a subtle trap that often leads designers into an endless loop of iteration and review. This is especially true in the world of digital products, where every interaction and graphic element can become an object of design obsession. But, when we step back and observe the…

  • A hands-on approach on how to increase your chances of winning clients. Clearly, the easiest way to win a client when you’re a freelancer is to have experience in that specific field the client is in. Just to give you a quick example: John has a car repair shop and he wants to give his clients…

  • 4 simple After Effects tips for making smooth transitions. 1. Get the AEUX plugin. Super nice tool to easily export your groups and layers to After Effects. UX motion design with the tools you use(Figma/Sketch/XD). Download here: 2. Use masks. Masks are a great way to create elegant transitions. This is a super easy trick you can…

  • The best hand-off development tool is no tool. It is said that being a great designer requires having good management skills, which is true to some extent, especially on very small teams where you have to wear more hats as a designer rather than focusing on very well-established and documented routes/methods/tasks. A methodology will give you…

  • Being a freelancer, I have the opportunity to get involved in a lot of projects with different teams, different processes, different backgrounds, and so on. Most of the time, as a freelancer I need to be a “social worker” if I want to win a project or even if I want to get buy-in for…