Alex Giuseppe Ispas

Product designer & occasional developer


  • Here’s a step-by-step guide on how I usually design landing pages. Let’s take my one-person design agency as an example (I always start with writing copy): HERO SECTION Headline: “Transform Your Idea Into a Market-Ready Product in Less Than 4 Weeks.” Subheadline: “Accelerate Your Journey from Concept to Market with Our Remote Design Sprint Services.”…

  • Minimum viable prototypes for dummies. The pursuit of perfection is a subtle trap that often leads designers into an endless loop of iteration and review. This is especially true in the world of digital products, where every interaction and graphic element can become an object of design obsession. But, when we step back and observe the…

  • The indie way of making a game. Intro If there are moments like “Unce upon a time…” which are shared from generation to generation, the classic crosswords game would be one of them. Nowadays no one carries a pen and a newspaper with them anymore, so this is how it got started. Although, this classic crosswords…

  • A possible way to browse quicker than the classic list view. Probably you already know about Amazon, AliExpress and other huge e-commerce websites. For example, if you browse on Asos for men t-shirts you would see like 5090 products. Imagine, how exhausting and stressful might be to browse all those pages. Also, imagine how many Amazon and AliExpress might…

  • For people who are not so tech-savvy. The main goal: If people don’t make a reservation online, they have to stay in line for a long time just to get a ticket then stay again for filling and depositing the application forms. So, our goal is to let people know that they can avoid all the…